Edward Snowden Speaks Out: ‘I Haven’t And I Won’t’ Cooperate With Russia

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 20 September 2019 05:09.

Reflecting on his decision to go public with classified information, Snowden says, “The likeliest outcome for me, hands down, was that I’d spend the rest of my life in an orange jumpsuit, but that was a risk that I had to take.” Courtesy of Edward Snowden

Edward Snowden Speaks Out: ‘I Haven’t And I Won’t’ Cooperate With Russia

19 Sept 2019, Dave Davies interviews Edward Snowden for Fresh Air (Audio)

In 2013, Snowden was an IT systems expert working under contract for the National Security Agency when he traveled to Hong Kong to provide three journalists with thousands of top-secret documents about U.S. intelligence agencies’ surveillance of American citizens.

To Snowden, the classified information he shared with the journalists exposed privacy abuses by government intelligence agencies. He saw himself as a whistleblower. But the U.S. government considered him a traitor in violation of the Espionage Act.

After meeting with the journalists, Snowden intended to leave Hong Kong and travel — via Russia — to Ecuador, where he would seek asylum. But when his plane landed at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo International Airport, things didn’t go according to plan.

“What I wasn’t expecting was that the United States government itself ... would cancel my passport,” he says.

Archived Author Interview

Edward Snowden Tells NPR: The Executive Branch ‘Sort Of Hacked The Constitution

Snowden was directed to a room where Russian intelligence agents offered to assist him — in return for access to any secrets he harbored. Snowden says he refused.

“I didn’t cooperate with the Russian intelligence services. I haven’t and I won’t,” he says. “I destroyed my access to the archive. I had no material with me before I left Hong Kong, because I knew I was going to have to go through this complex multi-jurisdictional route.”

Snowden spent 40 days in the Moscow airport, trying to negotiate asylum in various countries. After being denied asylum by 27 nations, he settled in Russia, where he remains today.

“People look at me now and they think I’m this crazy guy, I’m this extremist or whatever. Some people have a misconception that I set out to burn down the NSA,” he says. “But that’s not what this was about. In many ways, 2013 wasn’t about surveillance at all. What it was about was a violation of the Constitution.”


Justice Department Sues Edward Snowden, Seeking Profits From His Book

Snowden’s 2013 revelations led to changes in the laws and standards governing American intelligence agencies and the practices of U.S. technology companies, which now encrypt much of their Web traffic for security. He reflects on his life and his experience in the intelligence community in the memoir Permanent Record.

On Sept. 17, the U.S. Justice Department filed suit to recover all proceeds from the book, alleging that Snowden violated nondisclosure agreements by not letting the government review the manuscript before publication; Snowden’s attorney, Ben Wizner, said in a statement that the book contains no government secrets that have not been previously published by respected news organizations, and that the government’s prepublication review system is under court challenge.

Interview Highlights

On how researching China’s surveillance capabilities for a CIA presentation got him thinking about the potential for domestic surveillance within the U.S.

I’m invited to give a presentation about how China is hacking the United States intelligence services, defense contractors, anything that we have available in the network, which I know a little bit about but not that much about, because they have the person who is supposed to be giving the presentation drop out. So I go looking ... seeing what exactly is it that China is doing? What are their capabilities? Are they hacking? Are they doing domestic surveillance? Are they doing international surveillance? What is occurring?

And I’m just shocked by the extent of their capabilities. I’m appalled by the aggression with which they use them. But also, in a strange way, surprised by the openness with which they use them. They’re not hiding it. They’re just open and out there, saying, “Yeah, we’re doing this. Yeah, we’re hacking you. What are you going to do about it?”

And I think this is a distinction: I think, yes, the NSA is spying — of course they’re spying — but we’re only spying overseas, we’re not spying on our guys at home. We wouldn’t do that. We have firewalls, we have trip wires for people to hit. But surely these are only affecting terrorists, because we’re not like China. But this plants the first seeds of doubt where I see if the capability is there.

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Oy Vey, Intersectionality! Black group claims to be the real Jews and that Ashkenazim are impostors.

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 19 September 2019 05:00.

‘Hebrew Israelites’ who taunted Stamford Hill Jews say they will continue aggressive street preaching.

The JC, 18 Sept 2019:

The JC understands police and council officers have met to discuss how to handle any future incidents

Ashan Ban-Yahawadah, the leader of the Hebrew Israelites, preaches in Brixton, south London on Friday
(Photo: YouTube/the Church of Yahawashi144)

The ‘Hebrew Israelites’ who targeted Charedim with antisemitic taunts have threatened to continue their aggressive street preaching – as police mull how to handle any repeat incidents.

Officers were called to Stamford Hill, in east London during Shabbat on September 7 after passers-by reported the group of 20 to 30 men, who branded Jews “Amalekites and Edomites”, devils and “Slavic, German, Yiddish-speaking abominations”.

The group, most of whom are from south London, call themselves alternately the Church of Yahawashi, Hebrew Israelites or the Outlaws of the House of David, and believe they are the real Jews and Ashkenazim are “imposters”.

A local observant Jewish woman, Lily Smythe, later wrote in a Quilliam Perspective blog that she had never “felt so terrified by a group of people”.

The Community Security Trust (CST) accused them of “abusing Judaism and Jewish passers-by”, saying they posed a risk to “public order and very probable incitement to racism”.

A CST spokesman advised members of the Jewish community to avoid engaging in verbal arguments with the group, as “the likeliest outcome will be to further excite the demonstrators”.

No arrests were made at the September 7 demonstration but the JC understands police officers and Hackney Council representatives held a “blue lights meeting” to discuss the prospect of future incidents.

Speaking near their base in Brixton, the leader or ‘captain’ of the group, Ashan Ban-Yahawadah told the JC the “heavenly father” instructed the Hebrew Israelites to go to Stamford Hill, saying they would continue to “go wherever people are”.

Clutching a shofar, Captain Ban-Yahawadah said: “Have we done anything to them? Did we strike any Jew in Stamford Hill? When we went over there to Stamford Hill did we strike any Amalekite?

“We’re not trying to convince anybody. When we teach out there, only a handful of people listen to us. The scripture says even if people don’t listen, we should prophesy into the wind.

“We want the police to get involved because we’re the real policemen. We’re the real law-givers. We’re reading out of the book of the law.

“[God] has made us a prophet unto the nations. That was the first time we went there. But the heavenly father told us to go and prophesy against Stamford Hill.

“I’m sure if they read their Torah properly, it tells you the Jews had dark-skinned complexions… Us going over to Stamford Hill and cursing them out for their wickedness – that’s a small thing. We haven’t even done nothing to them, we’re just telling them they’re wicked and they’re not the real people.”

The Hebrew Israelites in Brixton. ‘Captain’ Ashan Ban-Yahawadah is second from the left (Photo: The JC)

The ideology of the group appears to have its roots in several American groups of ‘Black Hebrew Israelites’, including the Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ, formerly the Israeli Church of Universal Practical Knowledge, and the One West Camp.

The group refers to both Old and New Testaments to justify the belief that people of West African, Caribbean and Latino descent are the true members of the 12 Tribes of Israel, while their iconography also incorporates Ethiopian and/or Rastafari imagery.


Central Bankers’ Desperate Grab for Power

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 18 September 2019 06:28.

Image: Eli Christman / CC BY 2.0

Central Bankers’ Desperate Grab for Power

By Ellen Brown for TruthDig.Org, 17 Sept 2019:

Central bankers are out of ammunition. Mark Carney, the soon-to-be-retiring head of the Bank of England, admitted as much in a speech at the annual meeting of central bankers in Jackson Hole, Wyo., in August. “In the longer-term,” he said, “we need to change the game.” The same point was made by Philipp Hildebrand, former head of the Swiss National Bank, in a recent interview with Bloomberg. “Really, there is little if any ammunition left,” he said. “More of the same in terms of monetary policy is unlikely to be an appropriate response if we get into a recession or sharp downturn.”

“More of the same” means further lowering interest rates, the central bankers’ stock tool for maintaining their targeted inflation rate in a downturn. Bargain-basement interest rates are supposed to stimulate the economy by encouraging borrowers to borrow (since rates are so low) and savers to spend (since they aren’t making any interest on their deposits and may have to pay to store them). At the moment, over $15 trillion in bonds are trading globally at negative interest rates, yet this radical maneuver has not been shown to measurably improve economic performance. In fact, new research shows that negative interest rates from central banks, rather than increasing spending, stopping deflation and stimulating the economy as they were expected to do, may be having the opposite effects. They are being blamed for squeezing banks, punishing savers, keeping dying companies on life support and fueling a potentially unsustainable surge in asset prices.

So what is a central banker to do? Hildebrand’s proposed solution was presented in a paper he wrote with three of his colleagues at BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, where he is now vice chairman. Released in August to coincide with the annual Jackson Hole meeting, the paper was co-authored by Stanley Fischer, former governor of the Bank of Israel and former vice chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve; Jean Boivin, former deputy governor of the Bank of Canada; and BlackRock economist Elga Bartsch. Their proposal calls for “more explicit coordination between central banks and governments when economies are in a recession so that monetary and fiscal policy can better work in synergy.” The goal, according to Hildebrand, is to go “direct with money to consumers and companies in order to enliven consumption,” putting spending money directly into consumers’ pockets.


Italy’s new globalist government invites NGOs to offload more migrants.

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 17 September 2019 14:45.

The moment some fat liberal fuck, working for an (((NGO))), informs 82 African invaders that they will be allowed to disembark into European civilization.

Italy’s new globalist government invites NGOs to offload more migrants

By ARTHUR LYONS 15 Sept 2019:

A migrant transport ferry that has been continuously shuttling mostly military-aged migrant men into Europe this summer has announced that Italy’s new Liberal government has permitted it to offload 82 migrants at Lampedusa island.

Seventy percent of the individuals onboard the ship are military-aged men.

The ‘Ocean Viking’, a migrant transport vessel operated by the NGOs SOS Mediterranee and Doctors Without Borders, announced Saturday that Italian authorities gave the ship the go-ahead to begin sailing to Lampedusa island.

The ship reported that it had been six days since it had picked up this latest group of migrants before it was given permission to dock. 58 men, six women, and 17 minors are currently onboard the ship.

Previously, under the nationalist-populist Salvini government, Italy’s ports were closed to these NGO human transporters.

Now that leftist globalists are back in charge of Italy, the ports have seemingly been reopened to the third world masses.

Italy’s new government will once again begin allowing NGO human trafficker helpers to bring as many loads of mainly military-aged migrant man into Europe as possible.

Italy ‘puts an end’ to Salvini era as 82 rescued migrants allowed to dock

First time in 2019 a charity boat allowed to disembark on Italian soil

The Independent, Andy Gregory:

3 days ago

82 migrants rescued by the Ocean Viking will be allowed to dock on Italian island of Lampedusa ( AP Photo/Renata Brito )
A rescue ship carrying 82 refugees has received permission to dock on an Italian island, suggesting the hard line taken on such vessels by Matteo Salvini’s former government may be easing under the new coalition.

Ocean Viking’s crew said that after days of appealing for a port of safety, Italian authorities instructed them to sail to Lampedusa, a small Italian island between Malta and Tunisia.

It is the first time in 2019 that Italy’s government has granted a charity rescue boat permission to disembark.

Italy’s previous government, under a rigid anti-migrant policy led by League’s ethnonationalist leader Mr Salvini, banned charity rescue boats from entering Italy’s waters and disembarking migrants on the country’s shores.

But earlier this month, Mr Salvini lost power after he pulled out of a coalition with the Five Star Movement in the hope of triggering an early election he felt confident his party could win.

Instead the Five Star Movement formed an unlikely coalition with the Democratic Party, whose leader Nicola Zingaretti said in a clear dig at Mr Salvini: “We intend to put an end to the season of hatred, rancour and fear.”

Democratic Party leaders promised a fresh approach to migration, and have previously called for a more humane policy on migrant rescue boats, many of which have been forced to make illegal landings to ensure the safety of their passengers as a result of Mr Salvini’s policies.

In June the captain of Sea-Watch 3 was arrested after ramming a border police boat to dock at Lampedusa. In other cases the Italian authorities have seized ships and imposed heavy fines.

The 82 adults and children rescued by the Ocean Viking had been fleeing Libya, where refugees are currently sent in a deal agreed with the EU.

Charity SOS Mediterranée, which is running the ship alongside Doctors Without Borders (MSF) said it had been offered port of safety by Libya, but had refused it as it was “not a safe place for rescued people to be returned to”.

Describing those rescued on Ocean Viking, MSF Sea wrote on Twitter: “They tell our medics their skin was burned with melted plastic and they were beaten with sticks. These are just the physical injuries. There are even more horrific stories of abuse and exploitation that have left many with psychological wounds or trauma.”

The passengers had been rescued from two smaller boats – one a rubber dinghy without a working engine launched from Libya by human traffickers – on 8 and 10 September.

On Thursday, a 23-year-old Nigerian woman rescued by the Ocean Viking gave birth to a baby boy after being airlifted to Malta with her husband the previous day.

France and Germany have each agreed to take in a quarter of those onboard, and Italy 10 per cent, according to AFP.

Germany and other EU countries have advocated finding at least an interim solution to the impasse over rescues in the Mediterranean Sea, ahead of a meeting of the bloc’s interior ministers on 23 September in Malta.

Italy’s current and previous governments have insisted on more solidarity from fellow European Union nations, saying the migrants set out on their journeys seeking asylum or better economic conditions in Europe as a whole, not necessarily Italy.

Foreign minister Luigi Di Maio, who heads the Five Star Movement, said the Ocean Viking was only being given access to the southern island of Lampedusa because other European states had agreed to take in many of those on board.

“The new government has reopened its seaports [to migrants],” Mr Salvini said on Twitter on Saturday. “Italy returns to being Europe’s refugee camp. Abused by ministers, who hate the Italians.”

Austrian School Economics at Work: The Subsidiarity of Times Beach Dioxin Disposal

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 16 September 2019 05:16.

Austrian School Economics at Work: The Subsidiarity of Times Beach Dioxin Disposal

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Iran warns U.S. after drone attacks on Saudi refineries

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 15 September 2019 15:42.

The attacks were claimed by Yemen’s Houthi group, a rebel group aligned with Iran and currently fighting a war against the Saudi-led coalition which has seen a spate of similar attacks.

Iran warns U.S. after drone attacks on Saudi refineries

By Euronews & Reuters • last updated: 15/09/2019 - 17:31

Smoke is seen following a fire at an Aramco factory in Abqaiq, Saudi Arabia, September 14, 2019 in this picture obtained from social media.

Iran has warned the U.S. that its bases and aircraft carriers are within range of its missiles after Tehran was blamed for drone attacks on two oil refineries in Saudi Arabia.

The attacks on Saturday—which knocked out half of Saudi Arabia’s oil output and caused massive fires—were claimed by Yemen’s Houthis, a rebel group aligned with Iran and currently fighting a war against the Saudi-led coalition which has seen a spate of similar attacks.

But U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo blamed Tehran late on Saturday, arguing that there was “no evidence” that the attacks came from Yemen.

Secretary Pompeo@SecPompeo

Tehran is behind nearly 100 attacks on Saudi Arabia while Rouhani and Zarif pretend to engage in diplomacy. Amid all the calls for de-escalation, Iran has now launched an unprecedented attack on the world’s energy supply.  There is no evidence the attacks came from Yemen.

9:59 PM - Sep 14, 2019
15K people are talking about this

A commander in Iran’s revolutionary guard hit back on Sunday, warning that U.S. bases within 2,000 kilometres of the country were “within range of our missiles”. He was also quoted as saying that Iran “has already been ready for a fully-fledged war.”

Later, Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi, speaking on state TV, dismissed the U.S. claim as “pointless”.

The attacks, which took place early on Saturday, caused huge fires that were later extinguished by the Saudi authorities, a Saudi interior ministry spokesman said. The attacks also cut about 50% of the company’s crude oil output, the energy minister said in a statement, according to Reuters.

UK foreign secretary Dominic Raab weighed in after speaking with his US counterpart.

He called the attack a “reckless attempt to damage regional security and disrupt global oil supplies.”

“The UK condemns such behaviour unreservedly,” he added.

Dominic Raab@DominicRaab

Just spoke to @SecPompeo about this egregious attack on the security of Saudi Arabia. This was a reckless attempt to damage regional security and disrupt global oil supplies. The UK condemns such behaviour unreservedly.

4:11 PM - Sep 15, 2019
109 people are talking about this

Yemeni TV channel al-Masirah said the Houthis had deployed 10 drones against the sites in Abqaiq and Khurais, and the group pledged to widen the range of its attacks on Saudi Arabia.

Abqaiq, 60 km (37 miles) southwest of Dhahran in Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province contains the world’s largest oil processing plant and Khurais, 190 km further southwest, contains the country’s second-largest oilfield.

BREAKING: #Yemen’s #Houthis Spokesman appeared in a televised statement and claimed responsibility for drone attacks against #Saudi’s #Aramco oil facilities - #SaudiArabia #US @UN

10:39 AM - Sep 14, 2019

Tensions high

Tensions are running high in the region after attacks in June and July on oil tankers in Gulf waters that Riyadh and Washington blamed on Iran. Tehran denies the accusations.

Iran-aligned Houthi fighters have also launched attacks over the border, hitting Shaybah oilfield with drones last month and two oil pumping stations in May. Both attacks caused fires but did not disrupt production.

Security forces foiled an al Qaeda attack on Abqaiq in 2006.

US Senator Chris Murphy, a Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, called Pompeo’s tweet an “irresponsible simplification”.

“The Saudis and Houthis are at war. The Saudis attack the Houthis and the Houthis attack back. Iran is backing the Houthis and has been a bad actor, but it’s just not as simple as Houthis=Iran,” Murphy tweeted.

Aramco is preparing to float shares as early as this year as part of efforts to diversify the economy of the world’s top oil exporter away from crude. It has hired nine banks as joint global coordinators to lead the IPO and has been meeting bankers this week in Dubai as it speeds up the listing plans.

Thinking the Unthinkable: Oswald Mosley Quotes Collected by Laura Towler

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 15 September 2019 07:31.

Source of quotes, Laura Towler for Defend Europa, 14 Sept 2019.

Mosley addresses the White Post Modern concern in the following quote.


It is an interesting question as to how to manage White post modernity, and one that is eminently worth commentary, would have commentary feedback if White Nationalism could muster a modicum of intellectual pragmatism.

For particular reasons (falling for deceptive language games profusely slathered over the public, stupidity perhaps), the struggle can’t get past reactionary mode yet..

Perhaps an age, a period, would not decide entirely what to maintain and what to leave behind, but clearly Mosley meant that there are times for a people to band together in defense, to drastically curtail the more experimental ventures in order to protect their inherited forms, and those ways which remain conducive.


Smith & Wesson Created All Men (and Women) Equal

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 14 September 2019 15:17.

...isn’t it great!?!





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